Executive Female executives successEveryone has its own motivation factors – do you think your success depends on them?

The most recognizable motivation factors in the past 3 decades are money, power and sex. But they sound a lot like male-dominated. Do you think that they are relevant when we are talking about women? If you search on Google for women and motivation, most of the result would be about motivation to lose weight, be a good person, etc. It’s not a widely accepted idea that women need corporate success motivation – is it because we are afraid to talk about it or because we accept the success motivation factors are the same for both genders? If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in success – but do you know why? What are your own motivations? If you need to define the terms for yourself, have a look at this article.

Independence and Freedom – A successful woman can choose her own lifestyle, support her choices and live without following other people’s rules. Diktat and restrictions have existed and I feel that this period is over but we continue to believe that women success depends on what society as define for us in organization, at home and in our community. We keep telling ourselves that we earn less because of men, we compete against each other since we still feel we have to fight and we become women in disguise and play those conflicting roles to please everyone but ourselves.

Make a difference – This is one of the major motivation women have. They naturally tend to nurture and to want to be at service. Nowadays many women decide to leave their executives roles or to be part of non-profit organizations as they feel meaningful. Bringing this vision in for-profit organization will benefit the world at large. It is our responsibility as women to exhibit women leadership and to quit playing the role of a perfect male influenced leader. We both – male and female – have qualities to enrich an organization and to positively generate profit while serving our community. In an era of economic stagnation, creatively involve men and women to work together from a feminine perspective might be the way to innovate, to engage and to succeed.

InfluenceInfluence is an important part of a leader’s ability to lead and motivate. Respect will come naturally. One theory of how leaders can positively influence their followers is through emotional intelligence. The influence occurs when one’s emotions, opinions, or behaviors are affected by others. Leaders use it to maintain engagement, develop a culture of respect and order with their direct reports, team and hierarchy. Influence can be a success motivator for people who want to make a change – influence do not have to be tied to force but instead to powerful energy and ideas. If you feel the need to affect others and their action in a meaningful, non-manipulative way, you probably want to become and influence among your colleagues. And we all know that they would trust you more if you are successful.

Balanced compensation package – Even though money is included in this motivation factor, it is not is the main source of drive for many women, flexibility is. Money indeed, is also the less important motivator when it comes to career and life choices. You might feel like you are taking a lot of daily based decisions because of money, but it is usually a second-level motivator. Most of the time, women tends to value a lot more flexibility at work, time off, medical packages than money itself.

Is your motivation factor not listed above? We have a special online training for executive women – The Women Success Factor. You can read more here and book your course directly. I will help you ACE IT!

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