Obvious Signs You Need to Make a Change

When is it Time to Make a Change in Your Life or a Transition Career?

There are several “red flags” or signs that you are not happy with your life or career. Some of these include under-performance in certain aspects or requirements for your job, reluctance to participate, stresses on relationships, or feeling stuck. The following list highlights various aspects of your work and home life that you may or may not be feeling good about.

Communication Skills
You feel that you cannot communicate effectively with anyone in your life or you find that you come across as negative through your tone and body language when you communicate with others

You feel drained of positive energy every day that lasts throughout the day, at work and at home or you feel simply negative.

Engagement at Work
When you are not satisfied with your job, your engagement with your job tasks and duties can suffer greatly.

Family Relationships
You are not happy with your relationships with your family, or you feel that they are suffering or that they cause you stress

Financial Success
You are not pleased with your financial success, or you feel that you are not paid what you are worth

Health and Wellness
Do you feel good in your skin or do you think that there are areas that you should improve in your health or wellness? Do you suffer from physical symptoms of stress or stress-related illnesses?

Intimate Relationships
Do you feel fulfilled and satisfied with your intimate relationships? Or do you feel that they have become cold, distant, or nonexistent?

Leadership Ability
You feel that your team and your coworkers do not help you in your role and do not hear you or you feel that you have lost control or never had it to begin with? Does it make you frustrated?

Personal Freedom
People are getting in your way, you are unable to work at your pace or to do things your way, or make decisions for yourself. You struggle to have time for yourself.

Projects you are working on seem to never end. You can’t concentrate or finish a single thing due to the amount of tasks on your to do list.

Spiritual Connection
Do you feel fulfilled and connected with your inner self or beliefs? Or do you feel that you are missing something?

Time Management
Are you happy with the boundaries and system that you have in place to tackle tasks? Or do you feel that you have too much on your plate and never have time for anything?

Work/Life Balance
You feel dissatisfied with the amount of time that you give to your job and your family and personal life. Your workload is dominating or consuming your personal life.

Working Relationships
You feel your relationships at work are tense where you expected synergy.

Happiness and Fulfillment
Overall, you feel generally in an unhappy state of mind and feel that you go from one thing to another without true purpose or you do not receive satisfaction from the things that you do. It seems that a black cloud is following you at times.

If you feel that you are not happy with your performance in three or more of the aforementioned facets of your life, it may be time to reconsider your passions and priorities to make a needed change. Once you identify which aspects you are dissatisfied with, you can weigh your options and create a plan of action.

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