femmes cadresSavez-vous combien de femmes PDG figurent dans la grande liste des entreprises Fortune 1000? Au 1er juin 2014, il y en a 49.

Cela signifie que 951 entreprises ont des PDG de sexe masculin. La disproportion est grande et il vous faudra sortir de votre zone de confort. c’est notre choix en tant que femmes de devenir des modèles pour les prochaines générations de dirigeants, femmes et hommes.

Voici la liste des 49 meilleures femmes cadres dans le monde:

I’m sharing this list with you because I feel like there are three important conclusion we all can make:

1. Women today are reaching the tops a lot more than ever before – The last sixty years have witnessed revolutionary changes in the status of women in business:

A research called Women in Business: A Historical Perspective” found the following
“Between the end of World War II in 1945 and 1995, women entered the workforce in still larger numbers. More significantly, bit by bit some women also began to assume managerial positions in American corporations that operated around the world. The watershed moment was the 1970s, when female entrepreneurship was invigorated by the feminist movement and national legislation that encouraged equal opportunity. By the late 1980s, women owned half of all American businesses. By 1989, they accounted for more than a third of MBAs earned in the United States in a single year. A decade later, the number of American companies owned or controlled by women had grown dramatically. By then, three American women headed companies with earnings that exceeded $1 billion.”

2. Women at the top are subject to controversy for being who they are –  but this is an opportunity for women as it gives the impulse to change culture in organizations. We have talked about feminism before  but don’t overthink it – it is usually women  who think differently for themselves, not their coworkers or managers. We live in a world where media is still using gender specific images and we can’t do much to change it.

3. Women need to focus on those successes that drive them to reaching their goals.  The women on the list most probably didn’t invest their energy into fighting against controversy. They were focused, holding their strategic plan and implementing it every step on the way to the top. Remember that positive energy attracts positive energy but negativity and fighting not only attracts negativity but it also drains your energy. Invest this energy to use the system for your own good and don’t fight it.

I believe that women have power and their biggest limitation is themselves. I do not feel that women are persecuted or not supported, I think opportunities are out there and pitying ourselves and blaming society for not reaching our goals is too limiting and dis-empowering. Use the list above as an inspiration and a clear indication that success is accessible and waiting for you.

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