As the workplace and your life are transformed, you can tolerate the differences by learning how to cope. Each transformation is a part of the natural evolution and growth process. Although we may not want to embrace the new policies, we can learn how envision each policy with a positive outcome. Consider how each policy can be used to benefit yourself, your family and organization. New policies are adopted for a reason and by considering what this reason is; we can learn to cope with it.

Global Leadership | Tolerance

As we take this opportunity to use positive energy and attitudes in our lives, we can practice self leadership and take control of our own perspectives. Once you have reached this milestone, you will feel less stressed out and become more relieved.

After you made the conscious decision to view things in a positive light, stop and consider how these transformations can benefit those around you. I once had a conversation with someone who lived in California. I was impressed by the progress and green initiatives the state had taken up. When I asked her about them, he responded negatively. She did not like the progress being made because switching technologies incurred a cost. Due to this, she had decided to move to another state.

Instead of embracing the new policy, she chose to run away to avoid it. At no point did she stop to consider what this policy meant for her neighbors, coworkers and the environment. Rather than realize that this policy could make a healthier quality of life for everyone around her, she was only concerned about how she used to do things and what the policy would cost. Ironically, she would have saved money over time after making the switch. Instead of stopping to consider this factor, she rejected any new policy and left the state.

We each have the possibility to take advantage of new policies in our lives. We can view them negatively like she did, or see their true value. A policy is intended to impact more than just you. Consider how it can benefit other people, attract newcomers to the area or create a better environment for your family. New policies are not chosen without reason. By contemplating what these reasons are, we can learn how to adjust and even like the new policies.

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