Stories fill the pages of world news about global leadership taking credit for success, but there are few instances where leaders go out of their way to claim a failure. This attribute is rather unfortunate because the best leaders practice humility in their management technique. Humility involves listening to those around you and recognizing mistakes. No leader is perfect. By recognizing mistakes, we can ultimately learn important lessons.

Co-workers and employees need to know that the leadership is willing to recognize their mistakes and listen to everyone around them. By showing that mistakes happen, the leadership team develops a relationship of respect with those around them. Co-workers and employees are more likely to listen to someone who first listens to them. By building a relationship of mutual understanding, leaders set up their businesses for success.

As a part of practicing humility, leaders are able to forgive those around them and recognize their own limitations. No one can do every task and asking for help gives someone else the opportunity to learn a new skill. If the employee fails at the task, be ready to forgive and provide assistance. As humans, we learn more from our failures than from our successes. Giving others the chance to fail helps them to develop as workers and future leaders. By regularly practicing humility in the workplace, leaders create the type of environment that is conducive for success.

How much do you show this quality in your life and at work?

What would you gain from developing humility at work and in your life? 

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